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  • Anonymous - Friday, April 27, 2012

    Yocha NewsFacebook offers antivirus and security software free in the Marketplace. Software products that come from Microsoft, McAfee and Sophos.

    Proclaimed the Inquirer, Friday (04/27/2012), in cooperation with a number of security companies that will offer malware protection at 900 million users. Facebook users can download copies of the software license at no cost.

    "Nothing is more important than the safety of people using Facebook, and the security of their data," he wrote in a Facebook blog posting.

    "Facebook Security Team has pioneered many innovative defense systems against viruses, spam and phishing attacks. There was also an automatic mechanism that is quickly closing the malicious page, account and application," he added.

    Facebook believes its users will benefit from such protection. For example, the system now displays the URL black list database of other companies. This makes them have more up-to-date.

    "We believe that arming our users with antivirus software will help empower them to stay safe," he said.


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