Another benefit is the protection offered eggs to the sense of sight. Antioxidant content of lutein in the egg yolk will resist damage to the retina. This is because lutein stop the inflammation in the retinal macular pigment that protects you from harmful rays.
Want to boost your brainpower? As reported by the NewKerala, the egg can also help your memory as an egg yolk alone is able to provide 300 micrograms of choline.
Choline is one of the strongest component of acetylcholine which proved capable of providing the flexibility to neurons in the brain, so keep your memory intact. By swallowing an egg, you also have helped neurons receive, process and store information more quickly and more efficiently.
Not only that, the eggs are also capable of preventing urinary tract infections. This is because eggs contain a peptide that is found in egg white as a binding protein of E. coli is transmitted and do not let them hook on the wall of the urinary tract.
A study at the Harvard School of Public Health also found that there was no connection between egg consumption and heart disease. In fact, some studies have shown that eggs can increase the body's protection against stroke and heart attack.
Amazingly, the egg contains only 1.5 grams of saturated fats that contribute to increased cholesterol and 5 grams of fat "good". In addition to healthful, eggs also contribute to the beauty of your body's basic components such as sulfur supply intake, vitamins and minerals for your hair and nails.