Bad breath can also occur due to starvation, diet, use of alcohol or a dry mouth condition. This can be overcome by maintaining oral hygiene.
"To drive out bad breath and begin to clean up pathogens overcome the mucus and moisture that cause bad breath," said Dr. Maoshing Ni, a specialist in natural medicine as reported lifescript.
Here are four ways to make your breath fresh as suggested Dr. Ni, among others:
A. Always brush after meals, and before and after sleep. There is no other way to prevent gum disease that causes bad breath, in addition to brushing your teeth regularly.
2. Gargling with a mixture of one part hydrogen peroxide to three parts warm water.
3. Drinking green tea as often as possible. Green tea is an antioxidant which can cleanse the mouth and set him free from bacteria.
4. Gargling with a mixture of peppermint or mint essential oil to 8 ounces of warm water.