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  • Amruddin - Tuesday, February 19, 2013

    Yocha News- Scientists Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) developed the robot "stealth" that has the ability to track wildlife. The robot is equipped with four wheels.

    Reported Machineslikeus, the ability to track wildlife in a natural environment, but still keep it undetected by these animals is a technological challenge for scientists. The experts at CSIRO challenged to develop sophisticated robots.

    Observing the behavior of animals in the wild can be a tough task for researchers. They had to wait for hours, days, or even months to record the events observed.

    Robot "stealth" can be interpreted in terms of "visual" and "acoustic". Generally, research robot with the ability to secretly monitor is focused on the activity of the hidden target.

    Scientists develop robot with the concept of reducing visual clarity (not flashy) and allows it to hide in the open. Thus, the robot can still achieve constant observation.

    After being on the point of observation, the robot monitor and evaluate environmental targets to support better viewing location. Scientists are also concerned with the ability of the robot camouflaged against the background environment.

    Robots can be placed or called to the area where the animal will appear or activity is detected. Scientists are also pinned on the robot sensor networks.


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