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  • Unknown - Saturday, June 23, 2012

    Jogging in Lower Trees Good for Mental Health Jogging in the park or forest edge that many trees are not only good for the lungs, but also for mental health. According to the study, increased tolerance to stress if one often sport under the trees.
    Jogging in Lower Trees Good for Mental Health
    Compared with indoor sports such as the gym, outdoor sports, especially the shade by the trees is more calming effect. Or the stress hormone cortisol levels could drop by 50 percent while breathing fresh air.

    Scientists from Glasgow University show that after making observations of 2,000 adults who are physically active enough. Most of diligent exercise in the gym, while others are conditioned to exercise in a park or forest edge.

    The observation results showed that participants who exercise outdoors more often experience stress-related complaints such as depression and insomnia. The research team led by Prof. Richard Mitchell concluded that the trees are very influential factors.

    In addition to relieving stress as it is revealed in this study, outdoor sports can also provide other benefits. Because the air tends to be cleaner, this activity can make the lungs more healthy because it protected from pollution.

    Given the differences between the effects of outdoor sport with in the, Prof. Mitchell suggested that people should take the time once a week stuff for outdoor sports. Multiple benefits, so your body fit and mind became more calm. - Jogging in Lower Trees Good for Mental Health


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