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  • Addna Marchel - Friday, February 15, 2013

    Yocha News- Scientists have long explored whether the mysterious creature "Bigfoot" really exists and once roamed the region. A new DNA evidence revealed the first ever born Bigfoot approximately 13 thousand years ago.

    Reported by Softpedia, the research team consisting of scientists forensi, DNA evidence that Bigfoot is not just a product of the imagination that made ​​people. Thus, the claim that this creature really exists is related to the scientific evidence that supports research by scientists.

    Forensic scientists conduct DNA tests on 111 specimens related to hair, blood, skin and other tissues. The object that is analyzed allegedly belonged to a mysterious creature is hairless.

    Bigfoot or commonly known as Sasquatch are believed to arise as a stand-alone species. The emergence of Bigfoot allegedly as a result of the marriage of the modern woman with an unknown species of primate origin.

    Researchers said the first ever born Sasquatch approximately 13 thousand years ago. "We soon found that certain hair samples, which we later identified as Sasquatch sample, which has a unique morphology. This distinguishes them from human and animal samples," explains researcher Melba Ketchum.

    Melba explains, because some mtDNA haplogroups Sasquatch found in samples from 13 thousand years ago, the hypothesis conclude that Bigfoot is human hybrid. That is, this creature is the result of mating a male hominin species Homo sapiens is not yet known (females).

    Researchers hope, when they are confronted with these findings, the scientific community may acknowledge the existence of Bigfoot. In fact, agreed to name the species.

    From their perspective, Homo sapiens cognatus, which is defined as "blood relatives to Homo sapiens", would be the most suitable scientific name for being controversial.


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