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  • Unknown - Saturday, October 13, 2012

    Yocha NEws- 7 God of Death in the World.

    God has a variety of forms, usually human or animal form. They are immortal. They have individual personalities. They have emotions, intelligence, just like humans.

    Several natural phenomena such as lightning, rain, floods, hurricanes, etc., including the miracle is the hallmark of their natural regulator. They can also give punishment to him inferior beings. Here are 7 gods of death from a variety of beliefs that exist in the world.

    1. Osiris

    Osiris is the Egyptian god of death, in some ancient Egyptian literature, it is also called Asar, Asari, aser, Ausar, Ausir, Wesir, Banish, Usire or Ausare. Kingdom located in the west, he judged according to merit the human spirit that they collect. - 7 God of Death in the World

    2. Anubis

    Anubis the Egyptian belief regarded as the god of death to form the head of a dog and the human body. Anubis is the Egyptian name for the dog-headed god associated with the mummies and the afterlife in Egyptian mythology.

    In the ancient Egyptian language, Anubis is known as Inpu. The discovery of the oldest mention of Anubis the oldest royal pyramid texts, where he associated with violence of a king at the time. - 7 God of Death in the World

    3. Odin

    In Norse mythology, Odin is the leader of the Gods. His name is supposedly derived from the word "ODR" (read: Odhr), which means "stimulus", "anger" and "poetry". As the leader of the Gods, he has many roles: the god of wisdom, God of War, God of battles, and the god of death. - 7 God of Death in the World

    4. Thanatos

    Thanatos is the god of the dead in Greek mythology. He brings calm and peaceful death, as opposed to one of his brothers, Ker, carrier painful death.

    Thanatos was the son of Niks and Erebos and has a twin brother Hipnos. Other brother, namely: Geras (god of old age), Oizis (god of suffering), Moros (god of death), Apate (goddess of deception), Momos (god of mockery), Eris (goddess of discord), Nemesis (goddess of revenge) and Kharon. Thanatos is often depicted as an old man with wings. - 7 God of Death in the World

    5. Yama

    Yama is the god of the afterlife in Hinduism. According to Hindu belief, he was the god who first encountered by the spirits of the dead when he went to the realm of heaven, so she also styled god of death.

    The main task that is to try the spirits of the dead, accompanied by his assistant called Citragupta, taker of human karma. Because justice, he also called Dharmaraja. - 7 God of Death in the World

    Yama has a lazy form of a female buffalo. He was armed and carrying mace or danda meshes. He had a terrible two four-eyed dogs who guarded the streets where the spirits of the dead into nature Yama. - 7 God of Death in the World

    6. Ker

    Ker is the goddess of death in Greek mythology. The Ker is the goddess who brings a cruel death, including death in combat, accident, murder or disease.

    The opposite of Thanatos which gives a peaceful death. The Ker is described as a dark creature with claws and teeth chattering and bloodthirsty.

    The Ker is a blood-thirsty creatures and brutally ripped the soul from the body the dying and sent him to the underworld. Thousands Ker flying over the battle area, and if there are people who died, then the Ker will fight each other like vultures.

    The Ker was not life and death power over men but their bloodthirsty nature makes the Ker try to make people dead. Zeus and the other gods can stop or speed up the Ker.

    The gods Olympians often standing army they support to prevent the arrival of the Ker on their troops. Ker also haunt the affected area to search for the dead and take his soul. - 7 God of Death in the World

    7. Moros

    Moros was the god of death and disaster in Greek mythology. He is the god who brings men into death. He is the son of Erebus and Niks, and brother of the Moirai, his servants.

    Twin brother Moros, Thanatos and Ker represent the physical aspects of death. Ker is the carrier of a painful death, while Thanatos represents a peaceful death. - 7 God of Death in the World


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