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  • Unknown - Thursday, October 4, 2012

    Olivia Williams Manning IQ, Greater Than Einstein and Stephen Hawking - A schoolgirl who was 13 years old, have an IQ of 162. She was often claimed to be more genius than Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking.

    Olivia Williams Manning IQ, Greater Than Einstein and Stephen Hawking

    Olivia Williams Manning from Liverpool, England managed to get a fantastic score of 162, the result is far above the average score for a 12 year old girl. Olivia Williams Manning assessed IQ scores two points larger than the legendary German physicist, Albert Einstein and Professor Stephen Hawking. And i think she is the smartest woman in the world.

    Olivia Williams Manning was given the honor to join Mensa, an organization of people who have the highest IQ in the world. As a genius, Olivia Williams Manning has become well known in the North Liverpool Academy school, Everton.

    Olivia Williams Manning , who lives in Norris Green estate claimed to have talent to absorb the lessons quickly and remembering new information. - Olivia Williams Manning IQ, Greater Than Einstein and Stephen Hawking


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