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  • Unknown - Tuesday, October 2, 2012

    Yocha News- An ancient Buddha statue found in Nazi expedition in 1930, is an object from outer space. Because iron is used as the author is a meteorite.

    Reporting from the BBC, Sunday (30/09/2012), the researchers believe that 1,000 years old objects with swastika marks on her belly was made of rare metals. In addition, they found that the metal has a high nickel content.

    They also believe, from which the statue was adala part of China meteorite that reached Earth in the approximately 15 thousand years ago. The discovery of the statue is described in the journal, Meteoritics and Planetary Science.

    The statue is now known as Iron Man, with a height of 24 centimeters and a weight of 10 pounds. The first time, the Iron Man was discovered by German scientist Ernst Schäfer in 1938.

    Schafer carry the statue's discovery expedition Nazi support, precisely by the head of the SS. Heinrich Himmler. At that time, Himmler reportedly believed that Aryans came from Tibet and he is very interested in collecting a variety of items from the region.

    Iron Man was taken to Germany and became part of a private collection, so menghlang from public view until it was rediscovered in 2007. New owner then takes Iron Man to Elmar Buchner from the University of Stutgart order to determine its origin.

    "I strongly believe this is a meteorite when it first saw it. Fact, from a distance of 10 meters. Museum is rich in nickel and cobalt. Less than 0.1 percent of all meteorites and less than 1 percent of the meteorites is ataksit metal, so this is kind of rarest meteorites to be found, "said Buchner.

    Iron Man believed to be a sculpture Vaisravana. The researchers estimated the statue came from the pre-Buddhist culture that is in Asia approximately 1,000 years ago.


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