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  • Addna Marchel - Thursday, February 14, 2013

    Yocha News- A restaurant in Japan hired a monkey to become a waitress. It makes a unique visitor experience while dining at the restaurant.
    Kayabuki restaurant in Utsunomiya, Japan made sansasi at the restaurant. Kayabuki hire a monkey named Yat-chan as a maid.

    Chan Yat equipped with armor like the waiter and he also uses a human face mask. His appearance was very similar to humans.

    Chan Yat is a monkey that has been trained, as she deftly picked up the menu and drinks. In fact, one customer, Takayoshi Soeno said Chan Yat is a good servant.

    "Yat Chan is a good servant than a human servant. They sometimes are very bad in service," he said, as quoted by Oddity Central.

    Yat Chan is not alone as a waitress in Kayabuki, he was accompanied by a monkey named Fuku Chan. Both monkeys were originally only pet of the owner Kayabuki, Kaoru Otsuka.

    Both of these smart monkeys are mimicking the style of the waiters in Kayabuki, Otsuka then realized that they could be employed at the restaurant.

    "Yat-chan first learned by looking at workers in the restaurant," said Otsuka.

    "It all started when one day I gave him a hot towel and she immediately brought it to the customer. Several customers said that Yat-chan and Fuku Chan like children," he explained.

    Otsuka added that many customers are pleased with the service both smart monkey. "Yat-chan is well able to understand commands. It was really amazing he was able to understand the words of men," he added.

    Otsuka plans to add to the waiter as Chan Yat-chan and Fuku to increase visitors.


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