Another symptom of the return of digestive acids, known as acid reflux include abdominal bloating, frequent passing of gas and even seemingly unrelated symptoms such as chronic dry cough, sour or bitter taste in the mouth when eating, difficulty swallowing, hoarseness, and shortness of breath .
As reported by LiveStrong, Tuesday (05/01/2012), acid reflux usually occurs because of the failure of lower esophageal sphincter (LES) to contract after the ingestion of food, allowing stomach acid to move up and into the esophagus.
Failure of muscle contraction is due to several circumstances such as obesity, lying down after meals, eating before bed, eat fried foods fried in unhealthy oils, and eating too much. Excess caffeine or alcohol can also weaken the LES and cause acid reflux.
If acid reflux often occur without treatment, the condition can lead to gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which can develop into esophageal cancer. In addition to lifestyle changes by implementing a proper diet, reducing sugar, alcohol, and caffeine, exercise, and relaxation, doctors also recommend increasing your intake of digestive enzymes.
This can be done by drinking juice and eating raw organic foods. The doctor also recommended to increase the intake of vitamin D.
The doctor also recommended taking one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with a little water, to relieve heartburn. You can also use baking soda (soda bicarbonate) by mixing one tablespoon in a half cup of water.
You can also use the drug DGL (licorice deglycyrrhizinated) in a chewable tablet or powder form. The drug can soothe the throat.