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  • Unknown - Wednesday, February 6, 2013

    Get ready! February 15, asteroid toward Earth?
    Yocha News - United States Space Agency, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), informs that on February 15, the planet Earth will have guests an asteroid known as 2012 scientists DA14. - February 15, asteroid toward Earth?

    As quoted from Softpedia, asteroid which has a size of approximately half the size of a football field, making a space rock this look bigger than kind. So far, NASA researchers estimate DA14 asteroid will fly over planet Earth by a distance of only 17,200 miles (about 27,680 kilometers) above Earth's surface. - February 15, asteroid toward Earth?

    NASA scientists admit that this time crossing asteroid indeed be qualified as a very close encounter. However, they want to convince the general public that, according to data collected in connection with the space rock's orbit, quite a lot of questions about the collision between our planet and the asteroid DA14. - February 15, asteroid toward Earth?

    "This is a record of an asteriod closest approach," said Don Yeoman, scientists working with NASA Program '' Near Earth Program '' at JPL. In addition, Don Yeoman want to draw attention to the fact that, asteroids such as 2012 DA14 usually passes Earth once every 40 years or more. However, the possibility of an asteroid hitting Earth only appears once every 1200 years. -February 15, asteroid toward Earth?

    "Since regular surveys began in the 1990s, we've never seen a football field for the object so close to Earth," he added. Thus, the researchers confirmed clearly that, 2012 DA14 will not hit the Earth. DA14 property known asteroids orbit well enough to avoid a collision. - February 15, asteroid toward Earth?

    Just a note, the asteroid 2012 DA14 has a width of approximately 50 feet and researchers meter/164 pretty sure that, DA14 is not composed of ice or metal materials, such as other asteroids, rather than stone.- Get ready! February 15, asteroid toward Earth?


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