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  • Unknown - Wednesday, February 6, 2013

    The cause of Dinosaurs Extinction
    Yocha News- Cause of death of dinosaurs ancient animals have been described by scientists. One of the strongest explanation why this ancient animal is extinct, the occurrence of two large asteroids hit ever hit the Earth hundreds of millions of years ago. - The cause of Dinosaurs Extinction

    Reported Newscientist, killer asteroid asteroid was previously thought to be a form of a single space rock with a diameter of 7 to 10 kilometers. Recent research explains that the size of the asteroid is a combination of two separate asteroids. - The cause of Dinosaurs Extinction

    This startling conclusion comes from the re-evaluation of the proportion of asteroid craters on Earth. Scientists discovered that there are multiple collision, which led to the emergence of an asteroid crater. - The cause of Dinosaurs Extinction

    Scientists also revealed that the Earth has "scars" from the twin effects of asteroid impacts. The impact of the asteroid twin is reportedly beset Clearwater Lakes near Hudson Bay in Canada. -The cause of Dinosaurs Extinction

    The asteroid had formed approximately 290 million years ago. Location Clearwater Lakes asteroid impacts are rare, found only 1 of 50 asteroids in Earth's collision with a double crater shape. - The cause of Dinosaurs Extinction

    "It's been known for 15 years that approximately 15 percent of near-Earth asteroids is a binary (double)," said Katarina Miljkovi? at the Institute of Earth Physics, Paris, France. Miljkovi? and his team of researchers used computer simulations involving binary asteroid crashed into the Earth.-The cause of Dinosaurs Extinction

    They found, though the asteroid is numbered two, but the space rock landed in the same location and form a single crater. The team also revealed that the asteroid craters can be created 10 times larger than the original shape of asteroids that crashed into the planet's surface. -The cause of Dinosaurs Extinction

    This study describes the asteroid impact that occurred at 65.5 million years ago, when dinosaurs believed to be extinct because of an asteroid impact on Earth. Form of a giant asteroid that was not symmetric, but asymmetric. - The cause of Dinosaurs Extinction

    "Chicxulub crater shows some asymmetry.'s Important to remember is formed by binary asteroids," he concluded - The cause of Dinosaurs Extinction


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